Hometown Glory's

Jude's Critiques...
9mth blue fawn another small boy very nice head with large dark eyes has a very cheeky expression nice outline which he held throughout, RBPD. Judge Vicky Osborne.
10 month old blue fawn, lovely for type, pleasing outline, good head & expression. Pleasing body shape & quaters, good tail, lovely temperament. Judge Helen Davenport-Willis
At the smaller end of the standard, yet compact. Lovely head, correct length & shape of muzzle. Correct bite, good ear & eye. Correct coat. Good tailset and carriage, moved ok. Amanda Jacks
Lovely type and so extrovert never stopped showing, good head and eye, large well placed ears, correct bite. Well laid shoulders deep chest, level back, good spring of rib, high sickle tail used to advantage moved with plenty of drive. Jocelyn Creffield