Hometown Glory's

Hometown Glory's Miss Volluto

Duitsland National Dogshow Unna 13 Oktober 2012
Babyklasse: 1 Very Promising / Veel Belovend
Judge: Dhr. C. Saevich (Argentinië)
"Beste Baby" & "Best in Show Baby 2"
Judge: Dhr. P. Burema (Nederland)

Nederland National Dogshow Ijsselshow Zwolle 06 Oktober 2012
Babyklasse: 2 Very Promising / Veel Belovend
Judge: Mrs. J. Dekkers
Clubmatch Nederlandse Chihuahua Club
Babyklasse: 4 Very Promising/ Veel Belovend
Judge: Mrs. Weijmans
Germany National Dogshow Recklinghausen 02.03.2013
Puppyklasse: 1 Very Promising / Veel Belovend
Best of Breed Puppy / Beste Puppy
Best in Show Puppy 4
Judge: Mrs. Dianna Spavin (UK)

Clubmatch Nederlandse Chihuahua Club 17.03.2013
​Hometown Glory's Miss Volluto Beste zelfgefokte Korthaar Chihuahua in Show
Winner of the Ma Schoor Plaquette : Best own Breed Smooth-Coat Chihuahua in Show.
Judge: Mrs. M.H.R. Silverentand-Hazen